Thangavelu, AU (2024) Identifi cation and in silico analysis ofphytochemicals from Phyla nodifl ora (l.): Potentialbioactive compounds for targeted therapy. Identifi cation and in silico analysis ofphytochemicals from Phyla nodifl ora (l.): Potentialbioactive compounds for targeted therapy. pp. 1-11. ISSN 2693-5015

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The increasing demand for safer, more sustainable alternatives to chemical-based medicines hasprompted signifi cant interest in plant-derived bioactive compounds, which are known to possess a widerange of therapeutic properties. Among these, Phyla nodifl ora (L.), a medicinal plant used in traditionalmedicine, has garnered attention due to its potential for treating various ailments. However, acomprehensive understanding of the bioactive compounds in P. nodifl ora and their mechanisms ofaction is lacking. In this backdrop, the present study aims to explore the therapeutic potential ofphytochemicals derived from hexane and methanolic leaf extract of P. nodifl ora. Through GC-MSanalysis, we identifi ed 50 distinct chemicals, among these the predominant 10 bioactive compoundswere selected for further investigation based on their known pharmacological activities and subjected tomolecular docking against protein targets: Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B, Androgen Receptor, CyclinA, and NKCC1. The results highlight n-Hexadecanoic acid, stigmasterol, and beta-sitosterol as potentcandidates for drug development with promising therapeutic potential for diabetes, alopecia, cancer, andanti-diuresis. These fi ndings provide valuable insights into the medicinal value of P. nodifl ora and openavenues for further research, including in vitro and in vivo studies, to validate the effi cacy of thesecompounds. The results also underscore the importance of plant-based drug discovery efforts indeveloping novel treatments for non-communicable diseases, thus contributing to the growing body ofresearch in ethnopharmacology and natural product chemistry

Item Type: Article
Additional Information:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Phyla nodifl ora , Phytochemicals, diabetes, dandruff, cancer, anti-diuresis, in silico docking,non-communicable disease
Divisions: PSG College of Arts and Science > Department of Biotechnology
Depositing User: Mr Team Mosys
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2025 10:09
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2025 10:09

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